Insulin Pump Pouch


Where to put a pump in a soft, draped dress?

Don't be put off longer draped or jersey dresses, there is always a way to wear what you want and have the pump access you need. Drapes, folds and print all help to camouflage a pump bump

Ideas for all pumps

  • Keep it in Pocket Panties or Body Band and use your pockets as access…
  • Is there a seam tucked away under some draping where you can make an opening that wouldn't be seen?  That way the pump is secure, won't swing around when you walk and can’t fall out. Particularly useful for lightweight or jersey dresses
  • A dressmaker or repair shop (or sewing sister-in-law?) can help with this 
  • Wear the Body Band as a garter so that you can easily access on your thigh when seated

Hands-Free/ Bluetooth pumps

  • Pocket Panties keep your pump tucked comfortably out of sight, easy and discreet, and always close to the handset

  • Multiway Body Band offers lots of different positions to wear your pump front or back depending on the style of the skirt